Friday 11 September 2009

Aries: Quick Astrology guide to find a life partner.

Read my Marriage mistakes you can do Article for additional details. 
If you have any doubt , don't hesitate to drop  a mail to 
You can find this kind of guides anywhere in internet , but here I am giving you direct tip whom should you marry.

There are 3 types of  Aries person
1. Pure Aries : Born from 26 March - 17 April
Most Favorable : Aries
Better than good  : Leo and Sagittarius
Good :   Gemini  , Aquarius(Keep you violent and selfish nature in check)
Didn't find any one among above sign : Virgo  ,Taurus, Capricorn (If you ready to control your flirt nature )
Pisces ,Cancer ,  Virgo , Scorpio , Libra    : Better Avoid

2. Pisces Cusp : 18 March - 24 March     (Observe your qualities how much you are a pisces )
Same as Above
Didn't find any one among above sign :    if you feel more like a Pisces go for Cancer , Pisces or Scorpio

3. Taurus Cusp : 18 April - 24 April
Same as Above
Didn't find any one among above sign :   if you feel more like a Taurus go for  Cancer , Pisces or Scorpio

If you have already married or have to marry one of the following , take care of following points for happy married life :
Pisces   : Curb your violent and selfish nature , Pisces hate such persons.
Cancer : Curb your violent and selfish nature , Pisces hate such persons.
Virgo  :  Curb your violent nature , be more systematic and clean

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