Monday, 31 December 2012

आइये हम एक वोट बैंक बने भारत के भविष्य के लिए

मैं यंहा अपने रूम पर बैठी हूँ , चारों और गाने बज रहे है । new year party के ,
लोग डांस कर रहे है । शायद वो खुद को निर्भया , अमानत से जोड़ नहीं पा रहे है ।
शायद उनको यकींन है की ऐसा उनकी बहन या बेटी या बीवी के साथ कभी नहीं हो सकता है !
यदि वो खुद को जोड़ पाते उस क्रूरतम घटना से तो ,
शायद  उनको भी ऐसा लगता की उनके घर
के सदस्य के साथ ऐसा हुआ है!

पर नहीं बहुत से लोग ऐसे है जिनको ज्यदा फर्क नहीं पड़ा है!

2014 तक तो सब भूल जायेंगे !

जैसे हम भूल गए नैना  साहनी हत्या कांड
जेसिका हत्या कांड , दुनिया भर के घोटाले !!

सब को बस इतना याद रहेगा की  वोट उसको देना है जो हमारा ट्रान्सफर रूकवा दे,
अनिधकृत मकान दुकान को टूटने से बचाले !

फिर वो ही जात पात और अपने काम के लिए वोट दिए जायेंगे !

वोट बैंक की राजनीती सारे गुस्से पर पानी फेर देगी , हम फिर उन्ही लोगो को चुनेगे ,
जिनको 60 सालों से अदल बदल कर देख रहे है !!

जी हाँ मेरा मतलब कांग्रेस  बीजेपी  से ही है!
क्षेत्रीय पार्टी सपा बसपा लेफ्ट राईट ,  को वोट दे कर
हम लोग कमजोर  राजनितिक इच्छा शक्ति  को
और भी कमजोर और पंगु  बना रहे है !

वो ही लोग फिर आ जायेंगे 2014 में  !

जो भी राजनितिक सुधार लाने की कोशिश करेगा उसको नेता बनने से पहले ही ख़ारिज कर देंगे !

क्या ये वक्त नहीं है जब हम कांग्रेस ,  बीजेपी , सपा , बसपा ,लेफ्ट राईट के अगेंस्ट
आम आदमी पार्टी और अरविन्द केजरीवाल को एक मौका दे?

हाँ हो सकता है बिलकुल हो सकता है जो कांग्रेस हमको समझाना चाहिती है की अरविन्द केजरीवाल सत्ता चाहते है!! वो भी कांग्रेस बीजेपी में से ही एक है !! हो सकता है कांग्रेस या बीजेपी की बात !!!

पर ये झूठ हुआ तो क्या हम अपने ही पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी नहीं मार रहे है !!

 क्या ये सच नहीं है की जो बदलाव हम संसद में चाहते है वो बिना एक नयी विचारधारा के संसद में
प्रवेश किये बिना आ पायेगा !!

सच तो यह है की कोई भी पार्टी अरविन्द या अन्ना  विचारधारा को संसद में नहीं देखना
चाहती है !!

यदि अन्ना या अरविन्द संसद मे आ गए तो  शायद सारी पार्टी वाले जेल के अन्दर होंगे !!!

उनकी कई पीदियों की कमाई देश के खजाने में आ जाएगी !

पुलिस ,  सीबीआई , न्यायलाय देश के हित में बेकौफ़  काम कर पाएंगे !!!

आई दोस्तों हम 2013 में विश्वास करें , एक नयी विचारधारा पर जो लोकपाल के खेल में ये सच जान चुकी है
की बीमार लोकतंत्र को संसद के अन्दर जा कर
लोकतांत्रिक तरीके से  ही सुधरा जा सकता है !!
विश्वास करे मेरा 100 लोकसभा सीटें भी काफी है AAP के लिए !!

प्रदर्शन कर के भूख हड़ताल करके हम इन नेताओं को डरा सकते है लेकिन बदल नहीं सकते है !
ये रहेंगे वो ही , कई चेहरे वाले , जो आंसू भी बहा लेंगे और फिर छातियाँ भी पीटेंगे फिर चुपके से पूछेंगे
"ठीक है ?"

आइये हम अपने गुस्से को वोट बैंक में बदले और इस बार विश्वास करे और सहयोग करे उनका जो हमारे साथ खड़े है !! और वाकई खड़े है !!

और एक बार को मान भी लेते है की वो भी कांग्रेस ,  बीजेपी, सपा बसपा जैसे है तो कोई ज्यदा गलत तो नहीं होगा , कांग्रेस या बीजेपी की जगह आम आदमी पार्टी के लोग अपना घर भरेंगे !!!

पर शायद इस बदलाव में हमारा जायदा फायदा हो !!
पॉजिटिव सोचे तो हो सकता है आम आदमी पार्टी हम बेहतर भविश्या दे पाए !!!

आइये हम एक वोट बैंक बने भारत के भविष्य के लिए और देखे कुछ नया करके !!!!!नए दोस्त चुने , नए दोस्त बनाये !!


Liqour Killed Nirbhaya , Amanat or Damini

We will hang Rapist , Good But no one talking the actual culprit?
Isn't it the liquor ?? So many rapes , murder are committed after consuming liquor ??
Surprisingly no body talking about it!! It multiply the insanity of a insane person .
Shouldn't we also consider controlling the consumption at public places??

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Reply to Home Ministery and Usha Mehra Ji on Woman Safety

In response of  press release from home ministery seeking suggestions on women safety    

Indians and supporter of Nirbhaya / Damini / Amanat  please send the following mail / adding your suggestions to  

This is our last chance to push government . If we don't give suggestions , tomorrow government will say you didn't suggest the solution only crib to make law and order worse. We should not give any excuse to any politician . Can we send 1.20 billion mails to 

Dear Usha Madam ,

Following are my observations and suggestions . We Indian have great faith in you for ensuring women safety in India.

You are not a government and one of among us.  Please strongly recommend your suggestions without compromise and
make them available on Websites / Media so that we can follow up with GOI .
Suggestions are as follows :-

Suggestion to ensure follow up with government
a). Whatever people suggest should be published in all news papers , ensure execution of them within 30 days .
b)  Daily progress on these measures  should be publish on websites and in print media on front page

Suggestion to prevent such incident in future.

1. Anyone working with a public transportation system must have Aadhar ID.
It should be applicable to both government and private bus operators/drivers/cleaners/helpers.

2. We observed that most of the elements working with Public transport (Bus Operators , Driver cleaners , Auto Driver ) has grey background and
they have criminal records. Specially in Gurgaon and Noida/ Ghaziabad Area.
Government must ensure that Auto /Bus system have persons from clean background .

3. To ensure   above two , RTO and Police must be corruption free and doesn't have political pressure.
Otherwise such elements will remain in public transport system.
A bus operator/owner with clean background  will follow the norms and report the violation of driver /cleaners.

Criminal elements in public transport system violates all norms and do such brutal incident some day.
Similar incident has been took place in last 10 years .
A willing and alert government  (Want to add corruption free also) would have
 already learnt from the previous incident and this incident could have been prevented.

Alas , Governemnt go back to their sleeping mode (for Example Mumbai Terror attack , nothing has changed till date to fight with terror ,despite lots of talks and promise .  Actually nothing changed on ground . Another Kasab can again easily walking and attack on TAJ)

4. To make police corruption free one of the major step I can suggest , make Police system like Army . Which is centralised and report to President / Government
Police should be given good budget to add more police man and equip with latest technolpogy .
Weak police system controlled by politicians is one of the most important reason of corruption and increasing crime.

5. Eve teasing cases should be added in  Aadhar card ID of that person , Driving license and passpost , Ration card Data base .

6. Rape attempt should have punishment of rigorous punishment of 7 years , (Only girl and their family can forgive the criminal ) and  disable him to rape any one else. .

7. Rapist who accept the crime should immediately give death penalties

8. Rape and murder should only have one punishment (Leaving the person in Cell with thousands of hungry rats)



Friday, 28 December 2012

Solution to prevent Rape cases in Delhi

What kind of PM , CM we have .. They cry , they express sorrow they say promise not to celebrate new years , light candle .  BUT WHY CAN"T THEY PROPOSE a STRICTER LAWs ??? Who are stopping them ?? I don't think any body in parliament will say that I won't vote in favour of BILL proposing  death sentence for Rapist. Why is it taking so long ????? I suspect some Gandhi surname person is rapist.

If only PM , CM and Sonia Gandhi are serious to prevent more cases like this.
Following things HAVE to do , It will not only help prevent rape but make overall internal security system better and responsible.

1. Police should be responsible for  security of citizens , Like army Police system must be centralized.
2. Like army chief police should have national police chief  who should be appointed by Supreme court .
3. Only one punishment in case of  Rape / Murder : Throw the criminal inside the room with thousands of hungry Rats .

Inside the mind of a Rapist

Disclaimer : Content might stir your emotions like hell , may be you never able to digest the facts which I am going to cover here. If you can't think rationally better you should not read the article .  Article tries to analyse every aspect of becoming a rapist.

We are rapidly moving on the path of becoming America in terms of contents available in Media .
Specially it is Print media  and  TV .  Cheap smart phones and Cheap GPRS gives access to every person to  porn irrespective of his maturity level .
[Update : ] Levelof Media sensivity towards such things can be understood by one live story at the time of righting of the post.

29/12/2012 : 9.40 AM :  NDTV India discussing on the death of Delhi Rape victim (Just few hours back). They are showing unnecessary heavy security on India Gate with Asault  Rifles . One Video footage they are broadcasting repeatedly . One Pretty Woman Police officer is moving towards camera with colleages , Camera focuses on the face of woman police officer. 
I can't understand the relation of the woman police officer's face coverage with the  victim death and heavy security on India Police.

NDTV considered as one of the responsible channel among India TV , AAJ TAK and ABP news. But the ground reality is same for NDTV also . Even NDTV can't resist showing pretty faces repeatedly . All news channels are discussing about more self responsibility but what their steps ?

Anyway back to our discussion .
Generally we take care of not keeping Fire and petrol together . 
But when it comes to visual erotica available in media (all type) and girls in NCR .we forget this precautions .

There is no dearth of  man (highly educated and wealthy) who says I don't mind dying at 35 , I just want to have good life (Alcohol , tabbacco , girls ).

A Bus driver or cleaner has no comfortable life and just dragging himself to meet his end of life . Every night he drinks alcohol to forget his misery(what a driver can do in his life with 5000 a month where a middle class family spend easily 5000 on a dinner . Think about the poor person's emotion) 
Gradually harsh life of NCR and show off of riches of India makes such poor ruthless. A person who is starving in Bengal , Jarkhand , Bihar , Aasam , Orissa comes NCR and see free flow of black money, listen about night life gossips . 

Think about  a man's mental state  who is filled up of frustration , beating of police , victim of his employers exploit.  

Criminals and rapist are product of our social culture and constant thrashing of riches and middle class .
first a person  becomes ignorant of his own discomfort , then he starts ignoring his family problems and ignores family member . Next he starts ignoring social members . This state set him free to do anything now he starts thinking like a criminal and rapist.

He decides to live rest of the life for himself  and his near and dear one . If he becomes a successful criminal he will have ample of money and might start consuming call girls , prostitutes if requires.

Others who doesn't have believe in   prostitutes starts thinking like a rapist because he now have all inputs to excite him  but no way to full fill his desires .

We Indian reject the fact that sex is a basic necessity for healthy human beings but it is fact. 
If you are eating well   (Tamsic food)  with alcohol , you are bound to get excited. 

Garlic , Ginger and Onion are best known food for curing erectile dysfunction , adding butter and non veg give lots of vitamins and minerals which keeps your organs healthy and young . Lots of physical works ensure less colestrol in body .

This all sums up a good excitement , no sense of responsibility for himself or care for family , no fear of police or society.  On top if news of life term in most cases make a person feel that Prison would be a better place stay peace full and having stomach full of food without any harsh work (Just in case one get caught and convicted too)

NCR is full of poors and super rich . Things to excite your mind are scattered every where  . Girls demand rights to wear anything and do anything. Not Wrong !! They have their rights !! Agree.

When you are in Jungle , full of  Lions and Tigers,  would you insist to stay in a tent  to feel the cool breeze and moon light ? or would you prefer to stay in closed car or proper house ? 

You can prevent your self  in jungle by doing one of the following 
Not to enter in Jungle at all.
Well armed with training to use them against animals .
In worst case if you have to go through the jungle avoid crossing the path of Animals. 

In NCR you can not identify that who is lion and who is human , this is the problem .!!!

Girls who like to use their freedom in Jungle must have arms and must be able to use them Animals.
Girls who like to be safe and have no genuine reason to enter in Jungle and face animals can stay home .

Girls who have family responsibility and unavoidable reasons to enter in Jungle need to learn places 
in Jungle where animals can be found , learn to avoid those places. 
choose the safest path , be well armed .
If at all you sense a wild beast and encounter him,  learn not to come on his radar , don't make noise , don't smell like blood .

Even if he attacks then treat him like a animal and fight for your life .

Last thing government and police has enormous power , they can stop a human in turning beast with brutal punishment by  proper book keeping of peoples  in NCR .

Good government is not a CM and PM who watch SRK movies and cries with alliances .
To keep 1.20 billion people safe , you must be a strong person with Iron hand.

Harsh decisions has to be taken !!! Question is who will take ??????
Harsh decisions and rules can hurt your voters and financiers . So no action !!!

So girls story is keep your self save!! Avoid Jungle avoid beasts and avoid catching the  attention of a beast.
Practically , Neither Government nor society can stop turning humans in Beasts . Both will keep contributing to make a human in beast. 


Monday, 24 December 2012

7 Points formula to prevent rape in NCR

1. All job seekers coming to NCR must have Aadhar card.
2. All landlord must post the photo copy of tenants's aadhar card and photo to local police station.
3. All employers must have photo copy of Aadhar card of employees, No job for the employees not having Aadhar card
4. Government should immediately start cancelling licenses of employers who doesn't comply with above basic requirement.
5. All Landlords must inform their tenant's details to Police. Landlords property should be attached if he fails to give details to police station. (These mandates must be de associated with Income tax departments,so that landlords does not fear  )
6. A punishment which makes rapist to pray for death but no death should come to him. Something like leaving him in a box with hundred's of hungry mouses.
7.  This kind of punishment should be reserved for all criminals involved in violent crimes like murder , acid attackers , rape.

8. Take best care of yourself if you are a girl and take best care of girls around you if you are a boy.


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Breaking News : Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Rapped in Delhi!!

After gangged raped by 6 persons in a moving bus in Delhi , Priyanka Vadra , daughter of Sonia gandhi , has been admitted in AIIMS .
She had sever injury which left even docters in sock.

Digvijay Singh come forward commenting the crime and serve to shoot the rapist in front of public.
Kapil Sibbal is not able to eat food after hearing the news he is in comma state.

Shiela dixit could not stop crying and un-consolable   since the news has break out .

Sonia Gandhi  has immediately ask home minister to give shoot at sight order for the all 6 unidentified rapists.

Congress party members has showing their anger by burning all white charter buses on Delhi roads.
Delhi has come to stand still because of unruly behaviour of congress party members and poilce inaction against them.

Rahul Gandhi asked  PMO to immediately summon all parliament members to pass amendment in constitution  so that rapists can be punished by giving life sentence with brutal torture for the heinous crime.

Disclaimer : This is just a fiction to illustrate the severity of crime so that all top shots in Center and Delhi government can understand the  severity of crime and take action against to give harshest punishment to all the 6 Rapists.