Procedure for lodging complaints with the Commission.
Please follow the guidelines and act strictly according to the procedure.
Complaint can be lodged only against officials belonging to the
organizations over which CVC has jurisdiction namely :-
Central Govt. Ministries/Departments
Central Govt. Public Sector Undertakings
Nationalised Banks
Autonomous organizations like Port Trusts
Centrally administered territories including Delhi, Chandigarh, Daman
and Diu, Pondicherry etc.
The Commission has no jurisdiction over private individuals and State Governments. Therefore
please do not lodge complaints against officials of these organizations to the Commission.
* The Commission does not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints so please give your proper name and address.
* Complaints must be brief and contain factual details, verifiable facts and related matters. They should not be vague or contain absurd allegations and sweeping statements since these are liable to be filed.
* Please ensure that the complaint is addressed directly to the Commission since copies of the complaint not directly addressed to it are filed.
* The complaint will generally be acknowledged by the Commission but it is not possible to keep the complainant up dated with the status of the case. However the complaints are followed by the Commission to its logical conclusion.
* The public lodging complaints are also advised not to continue corresponding on the same subject after receiving the acknowledgement from the Commission.
Make sure you read complaint policy before making a complaint.
short introduction of CVC : The Central Vigilance Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is constituted under the provisions of the Central Vigilance Commission Act of 2003 to exercise superintendence over vigilance matters and implementation of anti-corruption measures in the Central Government Departments and in their attached/subordinate offices, Government Company, Society and any local authority owned or controlled by the Central Government. The Commission has also been assigned superintendence over the functioning of the Central Bureau of Investigation in so far as it relates to offenses alleged to have been committed under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. It shall act as the designated agency for receipt of written complaints in allegation of corruption or misuse of office and recommend appropriate action under GOI Resolution “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer”.
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