Monday, 31 December 2012

आइये हम एक वोट बैंक बने भारत के भविष्य के लिए

मैं यंहा अपने रूम पर बैठी हूँ , चारों और गाने बज रहे है । new year party के ,
लोग डांस कर रहे है । शायद वो खुद को निर्भया , अमानत से जोड़ नहीं पा रहे है ।
शायद उनको यकींन है की ऐसा उनकी बहन या बेटी या बीवी के साथ कभी नहीं हो सकता है !
यदि वो खुद को जोड़ पाते उस क्रूरतम घटना से तो ,
शायद  उनको भी ऐसा लगता की उनके घर
के सदस्य के साथ ऐसा हुआ है!

पर नहीं बहुत से लोग ऐसे है जिनको ज्यदा फर्क नहीं पड़ा है!

2014 तक तो सब भूल जायेंगे !

जैसे हम भूल गए नैना  साहनी हत्या कांड
जेसिका हत्या कांड , दुनिया भर के घोटाले !!

सब को बस इतना याद रहेगा की  वोट उसको देना है जो हमारा ट्रान्सफर रूकवा दे,
अनिधकृत मकान दुकान को टूटने से बचाले !

फिर वो ही जात पात और अपने काम के लिए वोट दिए जायेंगे !

वोट बैंक की राजनीती सारे गुस्से पर पानी फेर देगी , हम फिर उन्ही लोगो को चुनेगे ,
जिनको 60 सालों से अदल बदल कर देख रहे है !!

जी हाँ मेरा मतलब कांग्रेस  बीजेपी  से ही है!
क्षेत्रीय पार्टी सपा बसपा लेफ्ट राईट ,  को वोट दे कर
हम लोग कमजोर  राजनितिक इच्छा शक्ति  को
और भी कमजोर और पंगु  बना रहे है !

वो ही लोग फिर आ जायेंगे 2014 में  !

जो भी राजनितिक सुधार लाने की कोशिश करेगा उसको नेता बनने से पहले ही ख़ारिज कर देंगे !

क्या ये वक्त नहीं है जब हम कांग्रेस ,  बीजेपी , सपा , बसपा ,लेफ्ट राईट के अगेंस्ट
आम आदमी पार्टी और अरविन्द केजरीवाल को एक मौका दे?

हाँ हो सकता है बिलकुल हो सकता है जो कांग्रेस हमको समझाना चाहिती है की अरविन्द केजरीवाल सत्ता चाहते है!! वो भी कांग्रेस बीजेपी में से ही एक है !! हो सकता है कांग्रेस या बीजेपी की बात !!!

पर ये झूठ हुआ तो क्या हम अपने ही पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी नहीं मार रहे है !!

 क्या ये सच नहीं है की जो बदलाव हम संसद में चाहते है वो बिना एक नयी विचारधारा के संसद में
प्रवेश किये बिना आ पायेगा !!

सच तो यह है की कोई भी पार्टी अरविन्द या अन्ना  विचारधारा को संसद में नहीं देखना
चाहती है !!

यदि अन्ना या अरविन्द संसद मे आ गए तो  शायद सारी पार्टी वाले जेल के अन्दर होंगे !!!

उनकी कई पीदियों की कमाई देश के खजाने में आ जाएगी !

पुलिस ,  सीबीआई , न्यायलाय देश के हित में बेकौफ़  काम कर पाएंगे !!!

आई दोस्तों हम 2013 में विश्वास करें , एक नयी विचारधारा पर जो लोकपाल के खेल में ये सच जान चुकी है
की बीमार लोकतंत्र को संसद के अन्दर जा कर
लोकतांत्रिक तरीके से  ही सुधरा जा सकता है !!
विश्वास करे मेरा 100 लोकसभा सीटें भी काफी है AAP के लिए !!

प्रदर्शन कर के भूख हड़ताल करके हम इन नेताओं को डरा सकते है लेकिन बदल नहीं सकते है !
ये रहेंगे वो ही , कई चेहरे वाले , जो आंसू भी बहा लेंगे और फिर छातियाँ भी पीटेंगे फिर चुपके से पूछेंगे
"ठीक है ?"

आइये हम अपने गुस्से को वोट बैंक में बदले और इस बार विश्वास करे और सहयोग करे उनका जो हमारे साथ खड़े है !! और वाकई खड़े है !!

और एक बार को मान भी लेते है की वो भी कांग्रेस ,  बीजेपी, सपा बसपा जैसे है तो कोई ज्यदा गलत तो नहीं होगा , कांग्रेस या बीजेपी की जगह आम आदमी पार्टी के लोग अपना घर भरेंगे !!!

पर शायद इस बदलाव में हमारा जायदा फायदा हो !!
पॉजिटिव सोचे तो हो सकता है आम आदमी पार्टी हम बेहतर भविश्या दे पाए !!!

आइये हम एक वोट बैंक बने भारत के भविष्य के लिए और देखे कुछ नया करके !!!!!नए दोस्त चुने , नए दोस्त बनाये !!


Liqour Killed Nirbhaya , Amanat or Damini

We will hang Rapist , Good But no one talking the actual culprit?
Isn't it the liquor ?? So many rapes , murder are committed after consuming liquor ??
Surprisingly no body talking about it!! It multiply the insanity of a insane person .
Shouldn't we also consider controlling the consumption at public places??

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Reply to Home Ministery and Usha Mehra Ji on Woman Safety

In response of  press release from home ministery seeking suggestions on women safety    

Indians and supporter of Nirbhaya / Damini / Amanat  please send the following mail / adding your suggestions to  

This is our last chance to push government . If we don't give suggestions , tomorrow government will say you didn't suggest the solution only crib to make law and order worse. We should not give any excuse to any politician . Can we send 1.20 billion mails to 

Dear Usha Madam ,

Following are my observations and suggestions . We Indian have great faith in you for ensuring women safety in India.

You are not a government and one of among us.  Please strongly recommend your suggestions without compromise and
make them available on Websites / Media so that we can follow up with GOI .
Suggestions are as follows :-

Suggestion to ensure follow up with government
a). Whatever people suggest should be published in all news papers , ensure execution of them within 30 days .
b)  Daily progress on these measures  should be publish on websites and in print media on front page

Suggestion to prevent such incident in future.

1. Anyone working with a public transportation system must have Aadhar ID.
It should be applicable to both government and private bus operators/drivers/cleaners/helpers.

2. We observed that most of the elements working with Public transport (Bus Operators , Driver cleaners , Auto Driver ) has grey background and
they have criminal records. Specially in Gurgaon and Noida/ Ghaziabad Area.
Government must ensure that Auto /Bus system have persons from clean background .

3. To ensure   above two , RTO and Police must be corruption free and doesn't have political pressure.
Otherwise such elements will remain in public transport system.
A bus operator/owner with clean background  will follow the norms and report the violation of driver /cleaners.

Criminal elements in public transport system violates all norms and do such brutal incident some day.
Similar incident has been took place in last 10 years .
A willing and alert government  (Want to add corruption free also) would have
 already learnt from the previous incident and this incident could have been prevented.

Alas , Governemnt go back to their sleeping mode (for Example Mumbai Terror attack , nothing has changed till date to fight with terror ,despite lots of talks and promise .  Actually nothing changed on ground . Another Kasab can again easily walking and attack on TAJ)

4. To make police corruption free one of the major step I can suggest , make Police system like Army . Which is centralised and report to President / Government
Police should be given good budget to add more police man and equip with latest technolpogy .
Weak police system controlled by politicians is one of the most important reason of corruption and increasing crime.

5. Eve teasing cases should be added in  Aadhar card ID of that person , Driving license and passpost , Ration card Data base .

6. Rape attempt should have punishment of rigorous punishment of 7 years , (Only girl and their family can forgive the criminal ) and  disable him to rape any one else. .

7. Rapist who accept the crime should immediately give death penalties

8. Rape and murder should only have one punishment (Leaving the person in Cell with thousands of hungry rats)



Friday, 28 December 2012

Solution to prevent Rape cases in Delhi

What kind of PM , CM we have .. They cry , they express sorrow they say promise not to celebrate new years , light candle .  BUT WHY CAN"T THEY PROPOSE a STRICTER LAWs ??? Who are stopping them ?? I don't think any body in parliament will say that I won't vote in favour of BILL proposing  death sentence for Rapist. Why is it taking so long ????? I suspect some Gandhi surname person is rapist.

If only PM , CM and Sonia Gandhi are serious to prevent more cases like this.
Following things HAVE to do , It will not only help prevent rape but make overall internal security system better and responsible.

1. Police should be responsible for  security of citizens , Like army Police system must be centralized.
2. Like army chief police should have national police chief  who should be appointed by Supreme court .
3. Only one punishment in case of  Rape / Murder : Throw the criminal inside the room with thousands of hungry Rats .

Inside the mind of a Rapist

Disclaimer : Content might stir your emotions like hell , may be you never able to digest the facts which I am going to cover here. If you can't think rationally better you should not read the article .  Article tries to analyse every aspect of becoming a rapist.

We are rapidly moving on the path of becoming America in terms of contents available in Media .
Specially it is Print media  and  TV .  Cheap smart phones and Cheap GPRS gives access to every person to  porn irrespective of his maturity level .
[Update : ] Levelof Media sensivity towards such things can be understood by one live story at the time of righting of the post.

29/12/2012 : 9.40 AM :  NDTV India discussing on the death of Delhi Rape victim (Just few hours back). They are showing unnecessary heavy security on India Gate with Asault  Rifles . One Video footage they are broadcasting repeatedly . One Pretty Woman Police officer is moving towards camera with colleages , Camera focuses on the face of woman police officer. 
I can't understand the relation of the woman police officer's face coverage with the  victim death and heavy security on India Police.

NDTV considered as one of the responsible channel among India TV , AAJ TAK and ABP news. But the ground reality is same for NDTV also . Even NDTV can't resist showing pretty faces repeatedly . All news channels are discussing about more self responsibility but what their steps ?

Anyway back to our discussion .
Generally we take care of not keeping Fire and petrol together . 
But when it comes to visual erotica available in media (all type) and girls in NCR .we forget this precautions .

There is no dearth of  man (highly educated and wealthy) who says I don't mind dying at 35 , I just want to have good life (Alcohol , tabbacco , girls ).

A Bus driver or cleaner has no comfortable life and just dragging himself to meet his end of life . Every night he drinks alcohol to forget his misery(what a driver can do in his life with 5000 a month where a middle class family spend easily 5000 on a dinner . Think about the poor person's emotion) 
Gradually harsh life of NCR and show off of riches of India makes such poor ruthless. A person who is starving in Bengal , Jarkhand , Bihar , Aasam , Orissa comes NCR and see free flow of black money, listen about night life gossips . 

Think about  a man's mental state  who is filled up of frustration , beating of police , victim of his employers exploit.  

Criminals and rapist are product of our social culture and constant thrashing of riches and middle class .
first a person  becomes ignorant of his own discomfort , then he starts ignoring his family problems and ignores family member . Next he starts ignoring social members . This state set him free to do anything now he starts thinking like a criminal and rapist.

He decides to live rest of the life for himself  and his near and dear one . If he becomes a successful criminal he will have ample of money and might start consuming call girls , prostitutes if requires.

Others who doesn't have believe in   prostitutes starts thinking like a rapist because he now have all inputs to excite him  but no way to full fill his desires .

We Indian reject the fact that sex is a basic necessity for healthy human beings but it is fact. 
If you are eating well   (Tamsic food)  with alcohol , you are bound to get excited. 

Garlic , Ginger and Onion are best known food for curing erectile dysfunction , adding butter and non veg give lots of vitamins and minerals which keeps your organs healthy and young . Lots of physical works ensure less colestrol in body .

This all sums up a good excitement , no sense of responsibility for himself or care for family , no fear of police or society.  On top if news of life term in most cases make a person feel that Prison would be a better place stay peace full and having stomach full of food without any harsh work (Just in case one get caught and convicted too)

NCR is full of poors and super rich . Things to excite your mind are scattered every where  . Girls demand rights to wear anything and do anything. Not Wrong !! They have their rights !! Agree.

When you are in Jungle , full of  Lions and Tigers,  would you insist to stay in a tent  to feel the cool breeze and moon light ? or would you prefer to stay in closed car or proper house ? 

You can prevent your self  in jungle by doing one of the following 
Not to enter in Jungle at all.
Well armed with training to use them against animals .
In worst case if you have to go through the jungle avoid crossing the path of Animals. 

In NCR you can not identify that who is lion and who is human , this is the problem .!!!

Girls who like to use their freedom in Jungle must have arms and must be able to use them Animals.
Girls who like to be safe and have no genuine reason to enter in Jungle and face animals can stay home .

Girls who have family responsibility and unavoidable reasons to enter in Jungle need to learn places 
in Jungle where animals can be found , learn to avoid those places. 
choose the safest path , be well armed .
If at all you sense a wild beast and encounter him,  learn not to come on his radar , don't make noise , don't smell like blood .

Even if he attacks then treat him like a animal and fight for your life .

Last thing government and police has enormous power , they can stop a human in turning beast with brutal punishment by  proper book keeping of peoples  in NCR .

Good government is not a CM and PM who watch SRK movies and cries with alliances .
To keep 1.20 billion people safe , you must be a strong person with Iron hand.

Harsh decisions has to be taken !!! Question is who will take ??????
Harsh decisions and rules can hurt your voters and financiers . So no action !!!

So girls story is keep your self save!! Avoid Jungle avoid beasts and avoid catching the  attention of a beast.
Practically , Neither Government nor society can stop turning humans in Beasts . Both will keep contributing to make a human in beast. 


Monday, 24 December 2012

7 Points formula to prevent rape in NCR

1. All job seekers coming to NCR must have Aadhar card.
2. All landlord must post the photo copy of tenants's aadhar card and photo to local police station.
3. All employers must have photo copy of Aadhar card of employees, No job for the employees not having Aadhar card
4. Government should immediately start cancelling licenses of employers who doesn't comply with above basic requirement.
5. All Landlords must inform their tenant's details to Police. Landlords property should be attached if he fails to give details to police station. (These mandates must be de associated with Income tax departments,so that landlords does not fear  )
6. A punishment which makes rapist to pray for death but no death should come to him. Something like leaving him in a box with hundred's of hungry mouses.
7.  This kind of punishment should be reserved for all criminals involved in violent crimes like murder , acid attackers , rape.

8. Take best care of yourself if you are a girl and take best care of girls around you if you are a boy.


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Breaking News : Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Rapped in Delhi!!

After gangged raped by 6 persons in a moving bus in Delhi , Priyanka Vadra , daughter of Sonia gandhi , has been admitted in AIIMS .
She had sever injury which left even docters in sock.

Digvijay Singh come forward commenting the crime and serve to shoot the rapist in front of public.
Kapil Sibbal is not able to eat food after hearing the news he is in comma state.

Shiela dixit could not stop crying and un-consolable   since the news has break out .

Sonia Gandhi  has immediately ask home minister to give shoot at sight order for the all 6 unidentified rapists.

Congress party members has showing their anger by burning all white charter buses on Delhi roads.
Delhi has come to stand still because of unruly behaviour of congress party members and poilce inaction against them.

Rahul Gandhi asked  PMO to immediately summon all parliament members to pass amendment in constitution  so that rapists can be punished by giving life sentence with brutal torture for the heinous crime.

Disclaimer : This is just a fiction to illustrate the severity of crime so that all top shots in Center and Delhi government can understand the  severity of crime and take action against to give harshest punishment to all the 6 Rapists.  

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Pro Rata and Airtel ethics of Business

I suppose you all have watched a episode of Satymev Jayte.
You might not aware but Airtel is lead sponsor of saatymev Jayate  .
Even on the web site of satymev Jayte Airtel gives many ad for downloading songs and etc.

Now the key story which I want to tell is roaming around word PRO RATA .
I am victim of word pro rata and the company who duped me of INR 300/- on the name of PRO RATA and Business Rules is non other than AIRTEL .

I have a broadband plan  from airtel INR 999 per month . It gives 10 GB data per month and voice bill cap of INR 300 .  this scheme says first 300 calls will be charged  for voice calls and then I call make voice call across India for 2000 rupees .

So my max bill for every month coming to INR 1450 .

Now after some time I felt that I am consuming more data so need higher download limit .
So in month of August in mid of billing plan I ask Airtel customer care to migrate my plan to 1299 which offer same feature with increased data download limit of 30 GB on 2MBPS.

Airtel executive told me that you will be charged at PRO RATA basis for rest of the billing cycle . I said ok as I thought any how my bills can not cross the limit of 1750 (1299 + 300 + 150 of service charges).

When I recieved the next   bill it was showing the amount INR 2300/- this was very unpleasant situation .

I contacted Airtel CC to get the explanation of bill .

What they told me was shocking .

He explained me that
500 is the rental of first 15 days
650 is the rental of next 15 days of billing cycle .
1000 for the call charges (minus discount of 195 + 110 Pro RATA basis )

So cleverly they discounted pro rata basic and and charged rest of the calls .
From customer point of view after making call of 300 Ruppes rest of the calls should come to free ..
Instead they charged all calls and gave discount on pro rata basis .

So beware of PRO _RATA and Airtel .

Don't migrate your bill plan in the middle of bill cycle .
Satymev JAyte

Bharat Gas Agency selling domestic LPG connection in black

It is no hidden secret in Ghaziabad , Noida region of NCR that domestic gas cylinder can be bought by any LPG delivery person  in black for a premium of  INR 200-1000 . 

Great thing is it is happened with the consent of renowned LPG companies and their dealer.
LPG dealer can't book the gas cylinder their own , unless unlit consumer ask to book the refill cylinder.

I am an internet addict and try to do use internet for my day to day task ,so when I started Internet for booking refill from Bharat gas portal I came to know that my Bharat Gas agent in Sahibabad region is booking a  cylinder on the name of my gas connection number after every 20 days and delivering it on the same day or on the next day. Whereas I never booked the cylinder so rapidly and never booked the cylinder showing in online report of my refill history.

In the same condition I would never get a subsidised connection once new scheme of 6 cylinder will come in picture . I will need to always a INR 908 for a cylinder .

Approximately 1-2 Lakh cylinder are sold in black in Ghazibad / Noida region to meet the daily needs of roadside vendors of Jalebi , Samosa , Chai wala , restaurants and all Halwais.

Even all police men drinks tea(free of cost) on the tea stalls which are using cylinder bought in black.
To add more info  some these chai and samosa wala are owning big cars. (The one located in front of my office bought a Innova recently).
This Chai wala consumes at least 9-10 cylinders a week and these domestic visible Cylinders visible to all common man but not any police man or petroleum ministry.
There are other solutions but any body ready to think differently in this Manmohan government
Satymev Jayte


Sunday, 5 August 2012

Why YOU should support Party Anna & Team !!!!

Ram  killed Bali hiding behind the tree .

Krishana killed many enemies in Mahabharat with ethically doubtful tricks .

When you are in war , You have to win the game , which All politicians did against Annaji and Ramdev ji.
By hook or by crook they created doubt arround Annaji and his team Arvind , Kiran , Agnivesh , Ramdev baba and his followers .
Every body saw the dirty tricks used by UPA government.

They used  old trick of Britishers "divide and rule" quite successfully .

A corrupt government and their corrupt leaders , who are eating our hard earned  money at combined rate of  crores of rupees per hour , questing arvind's computer loan , Kiran travel bills ,  company accounts of Baba Ramdev.

A government who is not taking any action against 3 Crores Bangladeshi migrants(Many of them are in crime) just because of they are their vote bank . A government running by a foreigner on the supports of  foreigner Voters , questioning Acharya Balkrishan Nepali origin . I think there are lakhs of Nepalis are part of India maintaining peace and prosperity of India.

Politics is not dirty , its the persons who are doing politics are dirty . We desperately need Annaji and other better persons .

If you are not supporting Anna party then indirectly or directly 
you are supporter of Diggvijay Singh , Sonia , Manmohan , Sharad Pawar , Suresh Kalmadi , Kapil Sibbal and all corrupts of India from south , north east Bihar ,UP .


This is the Only option is left with Annaji and his party to defeat enemy (UPA ) on their own war front ,  The Sansad "The parliament!!" . Behind which all goons and murderer of democracy are hiding.

Annaji gave us an option , Government and Media (afraid of Government) would cook all stories against Annaji and his team mates. Time to remain unite and alert friends.

Nothing wrong in joining politics to clean politics . You can't clean sewer without entering into it. A 75 old person is doing this and we must encourage him , vote for him instead of questioning his and his team's intention.

Voting is not Glamorous and exiting .

Agree !! Shouting slogan on Jantar Mantar at weekends is quite exiting . I do agree.
But supporting  75 old and 15 days hungry Annaji on Weekdays is not comfortable .
We have only Saturday and Sunday for Jan lokpal bill.

 To read Arvind kejriwal's detailed letter click here.  

Government has tied the hands of Media (Read TV , Radio , Print & electronic ) on the name of censorship & license. Whatever dirty trick a UPA (Sonia , Rahul , Manmohan , chiddu , Diggi , Kapil ,Sharad Pawar etc) could have employed , they already used and used quite successfully against  Anna and team.

What options this government and part time supporter cum by standers (Entertainment seeker) has left with team Anna???

All Indian Politicians (UPA + Non UPA) are challenging support to JAN LOKPAL BILL !!! IF people of India so desperate to get this BILL they must support Anna ji Party .

The Time has come to show our support to Anna ji , No where to go , No need of Rally , Hunger Strike . Just ENSURE your name in Voter list .

Even if you have never voted , Vote once in your life time , TO SUPPORT JAN LOKPAL BILL , TO PAY TRIBUTE TO EFFORT OF ANNAJI for YOU and OUR NATION .    

Annaji gave us full 18 months to prepare and plan for voting , this one time voting may change destiny of our nation. 

Strong Welcome to Anna ji in Politics.He is the most Sought person in politics. 

We cried for decades for not having a good enough representatives (So call leaders ) in politics , Annaji is giving us a chance to support some better persons  if not best. Atleast not corrupt and willing to sign JAN LOKPAL bill.

547 Candidates who will fight election to pass Jan lokpal bill . To make Janlok pal bill , we need only 280 .
100 + number of Janlokpal Bill Party Candidates in Sansad are enough to become leading party in election 2014.
 Mind IT .

Even strong support to Annaji Party disturb the sleep of UPA and they might pass some kind of UPA lokpal bill.

Once Janlokpal Party will be in parliament then , we will not have to beg Sonia ji , Digvijay , Manmohan Singh , Chidambaram or Kapil sibal to give us JAN LOKPAL BILL .

"श्री पी. चिदंबरम हमारे देश के गृहमंत्री हैं। जब पी. चिदंबरम वित्तमंत्री थे तो उनके अधीनस्थ प्रवर्तन निदेशालय और आयकर विभाग ने इस देश के सबसे बड़े हवाला व्यापारी हसन अली के मुख्य साथी काशीनाथ  तापुरिया के खिलाफ जांच की और 20 हजार करोड़ रूपये की टैक्स चोरी का मामला बनाया। एक तरपफ हमारे वित्त मंत्री श्री पी. चिदंबरम इनकी टैक्स चोरी पकड़ रहे थे और दूसरी तरपफ उनकी धर्मपत्नी नलिनी चिदंबरम, तापुरिया के वकील के तौर पर उसे कलकत्ता हाईकोर्ट में बचाने की कोशिश  कर रही थीं।"

Remember the present breed of politicians are not Britishers who gave us freedom just because of Mahatma Gandhi ji fasted for freedom.

Just try to visualize  Mahatma Gandhi has been fasting on Jantar Mantar . And result ..
Government is digging his family business balance sheets . All kind of allegation against him , his family.
Eventual death of Mahatma Gandhi would not budge these corrupt leaders to pass JAN LOKPAL Bill.

Support Annaji in Politics.
Spread the message .
Place the link to this page in your FB , Linked in , Email footer.
Unite the nation for 2014 Election.
Satyamev Jayte.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

PSK:The Greatest Myth of Efficient services

3rd April 2012
Place : PSK Jaipur Orbit Mall
Appointement 11 AM Reporting time 10.30 AM

I reached Orbit Mall at Hasan pura  at sharp 10 AM  to find that there is no parking space for cars , open parking space to just find your car like a oven.

Escalators never working , no lift .  I don't know how elder persons climb up in scorching heat of 45 degree Celsius.

At PSK gate I found that there is no waiting area for accompanying person , they have to stay out at stare cases or in the corridors. Only the person who had applied can go inside.

I could see from the transparent glasses that no one was waiting inside for document verification or for any other thing , almost all appointee had arrived but guard didn't allow any body to go in.
He said 10.30 am is reporting time appointment will start at 11 AM.

All PSK employees were having morning tea inside without work . After bearing it for a minute I shouted on them to start sending the persons waiting in queue for document verification .

When I reached on document verification counter a lady go through the document and old Passport (Which was already marked as cancelled from PSK Delhi) but she didn't noticed the cancelled status .
She didn't ask for closure letter . She gave me token number N78 and ask me to go inside .

I reached inside and saw there are 24 counters from A1-A24 , but there were only 7-10 TCS  Executives attending the applicants on first 10 counters . (I came to know that one have to wait for 20 days to get appointment at PSK Jaipur ). I went on A8 counter the lady sitting on the desk finished scanning and generating my passport file number ,Amazingly even she didn't noticed that I need to submit closer letter for cancelled passport.

Anyway I asked to proceed to next level at B counters . Out of 8 counters only 2 were functional and one person on B2 counter was watching TV on his mobile . After waiting for 15 minutes my number came and I went to B2 counter . Executive sitting on the counter was most probably the government officer who was responsible to check the documents and suppose to reject / approve or cancel the passport . So when he came to know that my passport is already cancelled then he asked me to go at A 14 counter to get the closer letter scanned and  uploaded.

I went to A14 and  found a lady chatting on phone . I gave her my closer letter and its photocopy .
She was clueless about what to do with that . She called her senior .

Her senior came and started reading the closer letter  , Even that person has no why I have that closer letter with me and now what he should do.

I explained him that I applied from Delhi but got transferred to Jaipur so now I am applying passport from Jaipur and I need to cancelled application of Delhi passport office .

Lady sitting on counter scanned the unattested photocopy of closer letter and started to upload , I interrupted her saying that document must be self attested . I took photocopy and signed that and handed over to lady for rescanning and uploading .

After this I was asked to wait for final verification an C level (some senior RPO officer ). To my shock out of 8 counters on 2 were functional .I waited for 15 minutes and my number came.

Officer sitting on C2 counter was clue less  about a passport already cancelled and with closer letter.
Meanwhile TCS executive came to ask her whether RSA signed Annexture F is acceptable . She was not sure so she went to her boss to confirm . She also asked about my cancelled passport and then approved my application ,she asked her colleague for what to write in my application and then he told something something which she put in my application .

Finally my  application was approved.

Following are the things I came to know after my visit to PSK.
1.  3 out of 15 Document for tatkal is misleading rule . All over India all PSKs demand for Annexture F and Annexture I. the Document adviser on SPK web site is crap . PSK executive accept only verification certificate .

2. If you thing only 1 address proof and ID proof is sufficient then it is wrong , they may reject them for any reason and ask you to tender another address proof or ID proof . Carry all possible address and ID proofs you have.

3. Apply for passport at your permanent address . even if you are doing job somewhere else and residing there permanent address is the safest bet to get passport in time specially when you don't have sufficient proof at present address.

4. Though 45 days are norm for normal passport but it will take 5-6 months to get passport from any PSK in Inida and worst case 1 Years in cities like Delhi or Bangalore . 45 Days deliver are mere illusion created by PSK and MoE. So plan accordingly.

5. Accumulate landline/post paid mobile  phone bills of all months gas cylinder bills , they will help in dealing with government offices .

6 . Have proper Ration card .

7. Get your address updated in passbooks .

8. Get Driving license at your new address.

9. Get proper marriage certificate(English language) and get your spouse name added on passport (mandatory for Visas for wife).

10. Don't rely on document advisory of PSK web site .

11. Don't forget to cancel you your passport application and and get closer letter if you relocating to another city .

Best of Luck .

If any body stuck in passport related problem drop me a mail with scan copy of all documents , might be I can advise you properly.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Saflta ke achuk Mantra -1

यदि आप ये ब्लॉग पड़ रहे है  किसी सूत्र को जानने के लिए , जिसको आप दिन में १००० बार करे और आपको सफलता मिल जाए तो आप गलत जगह है , गलत राह पर है !!
अच्छी बात यह है की आप सफलता चाहते है और उसके लिए कोशिश कर रहे है !
सच में यह एक अच्छा शकुन है आप के लिए , निश्चत आप एक दिन सफल हो सकते है !
खैर अभी आप यह सोच रहे होंगे की जब कुछ बताना नहीं है तो ये फालतू ब्लॉग क्यूँ लिखा इस शीर्षक के साथ !!
जीत आपकी ,
जो चाहे सो पाए,
७ Habits ,
Power  of Positive  Thinking  , ...

और भी बहुत सारी किताबें पड़ी है , और आज भी सफलता के रहस्य ढूंढ रहा हूँ !

नकारात्मक बात कर रहा हूँ , नहीं मै अपनी जिंदगी के अनुभव बता रहा हूँ !
और वो बताने जा रहा हूँ   जो आपको कोई किताब नहीं बताने वाली !!

खैर पहली बात ,  मैं इतना भी असफल नहीं हूँ की मै आपको अपनी छोटी मोती सफलता के मंत्र न बता सकूं !!
११ लाख की तनखाव्ह ३४ वर्ष की उम्र मे तो कम से कम असफल तो नहीं कह सकते ऐसे आदमी को ?

पर मै खुद को न केवल असफल बल्कि महा - असफल की कतार में रखना चाहता हूँ !!

दो विरोधी बातें कर रहा हूँ मै .. जानता हूँ !
सफल में मेरे घर वालों और समाज के लिए हो सकता हूँ ! पर मै खुद की नज़र मै असफल हूँ!!

इसलिए क्योंकि जितनी मुझमें अक्ल है जितनी समझदारी है उस हिसाब मैं कुछ भी नहीं कमा पा रहा हूँ !
रुकिए दोस्त रुकिए  !!
खुद को समझदार और जयादा अक्लमंद कह्ने वाले हजारों लाखो मिल जायंगे भारत मैं ..
पर विश्वास कीजिये मैंने खुद को हमेशा बेवकूफ ही समझा , मुझे अक्लमंद उन लोगो ने कहा जिनको मे सफल और बेहद सफल मानता हूँ !
और कमाल की बात ये है की मैंने उन लोगो को अपने से जयादा बेवकूफ माना था !!

अब यदि आप सफल होने के रास्ते पर है तो अब तक आपको समझ आ गए होंगे , असफल ना होने के कुछ सूत्र ! और यदि नहीं आया कुछ समझा में तो दिल छोटा ना करे आपकी सफल होने की संभावना जयादा है सफल होने की बनिस्पत उन लोगो के जिनको ये समझा में आ गया है की मैं क्या कहने वाला हूँ !!

सफलता सूत्रों या मन्त्रों से नहीं मिलती है ,कैसे मिलती है ये हम समझने की कोशिश करेंगे उन लोगो के व्यवहार को समझ कर जो सफल है .. आशातीत सफल है!अभी के लिए इतना ही बाकी अगली फुर्सत में !

मेरी ये पोस्ट कैसे लगी जरूर बताएं !!कुछ अच्छा सुनना अच्छा लगता है हर किसी को ! पर मुझे बुरा सुनने में भी कोई गुरेज नहीं है ! कोशिश इतनी सी है की आपको वो रहस्य समझा सकूं जो शायद आपको कई किताबें पड़ने के बाद भी समझ में ना आये !!
अगली पोस्ट में हम जिक्र करेंगे उन चीजों का जो सफलता नाम की चाय मे चाय पत्ती की तरह है !!

यंहा    Saflta ke achuk Mantra -2

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

आ गए मुलायम के गुंडे गलियों में !!

जीता चुनाव मुलायम और अखिलेश ने शामत आ गयी गरीबो की और
भेंट चढ़ गया गरीब ९ साल का गरीब मजदूर का बेटा !!जश्न हुआ मुलायम की जीत का और अर्थी उठी एक गरीब के घर की .
UP ने चुनी फिर से एक बार UP  की किस्मत
और फिर से हुआ एक और धोखा ..
खैर किसी को भी चुनते किसी न किसी गुंडे की गोली किसी न किसी मासूम को ढूंढ़ ही लेती
ये UP  की किस्मत है या अल्लाह की नेमायत की जो भी आएगा वो UP  का होकर UP की ही वाट लगाएगा !!
जय लोकतंत्र !!!

कपिल सिब्बल दिग्विजय सिंह कंहा है UP के चुनाव के बाद ?

बहुत गालियाँ निकली दिग्विजय और कपिल ने साल भर मेरे पसंदीदा अन्ना और बाबा रामदेव को !
UP के रिजल्ट के बाद आज कसम से  मज़ा आ गया !!
शायद आज कपिल , दिग्विजय और राहुल गाँधी को बहुत मारेंगे कांग्रेसी !!
कम्बल डाल कर !!
आज दिग्विजय सोच रहे होंगे की बाबा रामदेव और अन्ना हजारे को गालियाँ नहीं दी होती तो शायद कम से कम चुनाव के बाद वो टीवी पर तो आते.
सो जा कपिल , सो जा दिग्विजय ..सोनिया जी के पल्लू के पीछे छुप कर निकल ले पतली गली से !!
वरना बहुत मारेंगे 

क्या मायावती देश छोड़ कर भाग गयी है ?

क्या मायावती देश छोड़ कर भाग गयी है ?
यह सवाल मेरे जेहन में आया जब उनको मेने TV पर नहीं देखा उ.प. चुनाव के बाद !
NHRM का घोटाला बहुत बड़ा है कई जान ले कर गया है !
जाहिर है काफी सूत्र मायावती तक जायेंगे जब सीबीआई जांच करेगी !
ऐसे में काफी संभावना है की मायावती और उनकी टीम के सब लोग या तो भारत से भाग जायेंगे या फिर ५ साल के लिए भूमिगत हो जायेंगे !

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Can you -- Guess this amazing personality ?

Drop a mail to get hint if you have failed in guessing such a great persona..

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. On the right, you will find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
SunPisces 5.45 AscendantVirgo22.54
MoonAries 7.47 IILibra18.57
MercuryAquarius14.21 IIIScorpio19.05
VenusCapricorn21.10 IVSagittarius22.00
MarsAries29.06 VCapricorn25.05
JupiterCancer20.30 R VIAquarius25.47
SaturnScorpio21.09 VIIPisces22.54
UranusCancer24.07 R VIIIAries18.57
NeptuneLibra28.03 R IXTaurus19.05
PlutoLeo25.18 R MidheavenGemini22.00
LilithScorpio28.25 XICancer25.05
Asc nodeCapricorn 3.46 XIILeo25.47



The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.

SunTrineNeptune 7.42 4
MercuryTrineMidheaven 7.39 3
VenusOppositionJupiter 0.40-289
VenusSextileSaturn 0.01 219
VenusOppositionUranus 2.57-135
VenusTrineAscendant 1.44 55
MarsSquareUranus 4.59 -23
MarsOppositionNeptune 1.03-212
MarsTrinePluto 3.48 55
JupiterTrineSaturn 0.39 107
JupiterConjunctionUranus 3.37 266
JupiterSextileAscendant 2.24 52
SaturnTrineUranus 2.58 44
SaturnSquarePluto 4.08 -16
SaturnSextileAscendant 1.45 45
UranusSquareNeptune 3.55 -17
UranusSextileAscendant 1.13 42
NeptuneSextilePluto 2.45 19
NeptuneTrineMidheaven 6.02 5
PlutoSextileMidheaven 3.17 4
  920 -692 228


Asteroids & Chiron

The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart.
ChironAquarius 2.02
CeresCapricorn 9.11
FortuneAries 0.00
South nodeAries 0.00
Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart

This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Steve jobs .

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.

Sun in Pisces

As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life--from all backgrounds--in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.

Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of opinion. What you will find behind a vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a deep person with real dreams. Their dreams are more than getting that picket fence or making it up the corporate ladder. Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose and their dreams transcend the individual. A deep love for humanity, and compassion that knows no bounds is found with this placement of the Sun. Pisceans are not known to be cutthroat business types, nor are they given to throwing themselves out into the world in an aggressive manner. But make no mistake about it, Pisces can be extraordinarily successful when given the chance to express themselves. The arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, healing arts...these are all fields in which Pisces can find expression. Their imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition endow them with enviable gifts of insight and creativity.

Pisces is a sensitive sign--both sensitive to criticism and sensitive to others' feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, at least in theory, Pisces wouldn't hurt a fly. They believe in people, are deeply hurt by compassionless human behavior, and have a hard time saying no. Harsh realities are avoided either through escapist behavior or self-delusion; but every now and again reality does raise its ugly head, and hits Pisces over the head. This is a sad time indeed. Pisces retreats into their own world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to themselves ("I will never trust again!"). Rest assured, though, that these periods are rather short-lived and even useful. Pisces seems to derive energy from their (generally short) bouts of self-pity. They come back stronger, with a spring in their step, ready to face the world again, and just as, if not more, compassionate and trusting as they were before. Some might even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of creative energy from sadness. Pisces is the poet or artist with angst, although this trait is often more apparent with Moon in Pisces.

Some find Pisces' tendency to be late for appointments, spaced out behavior, and absent-mindedness amount to irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to know this, however. Who me? Pisces wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns absolutely care--their love knows no bounds--but their retreats from ordinary life (whether they are as simple as daydreams or actual departures) that they so seem to need every now and again are not always understandable to no-nonsense signs, such as Virgo or Aries. Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches -- they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan. We find plenty of artists, poets, and musicians with Sun (and other personal planets) in Pisces. Piscean themes are woven throughout the songs of Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, for example.

Short description:

He is compassionate and sentimental. He likes isolated occupations: administration, archives, history. Spirit of self-sacrifice.

Weaknesses: tendency to be led astray, lack of experience or inability to apply experience practically. Lethargy, over-sensitivity and emotionalism.

Pisces ascendant Virgo

Sun in VI

The work that you do, and the services that you offer, are very important to your sense of identity. In order to feel good about yourself, you need to be busy with daily activities and to produce work you can be proud of. Focus on finding a suitable and rewarding avenue for expressing this part of you, being extra careful to choose an occupation in which you can express yourself. You are sensitive to criticism about the work you do, and you work best when you can create your own schedule. Positive feedback for the services you render is important to you, but be careful not to over-identify with the appreciation you receive from others, as your work and your health suffers when you feel under-appreciated. Motivation to do a good job should come from within.

4 Trine Sun - Neptune

There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to you. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to your personality. You are naturally compassionate. It is so completely natural for you to accept that there is more to the world than what is before your eyes, that you tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, you come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in your life. Your attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. You are sensitive to those who are suffering, although you are not usually taken advantage of. You are humanitarian and may have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, you are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. You have a fertile imagination, are full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that you may use on the professional level.

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.

Moon in Aries

Nothing quite happens soon enough with this position of the Moon. There is an inherent impatience with getting what they want. Life is a series of emergencies for Lunar Ariens. They live in the moment and have a hard time waiting for things to happen. Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in their lives. This is a fiery position of the moon. Even if the Sun or rising sign is more low-key, Moon in Aries people possess inner passion and fire. Emotional issues take precedence--there is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with the feelings. And, dealing with new sentiments and needs stirs up a huge desire for activity. Moon in Aries has a need for acting out their needs, with no time to waste. It is hard for them to see the long-term, or to wait for things to happen. Instant gratification rules!

Oddly enough, this is a very defensive position of the Moon. These natives take things very personally, and they deal with problems by facing them right away so that they can then get on with other things. Their flare-ups generally end almost as quickly as they started. Lunar Ariens have an unmistakable independent streak. They put themselves right out there in the world, and make an impression in whatever they do. Their self-confidence is actually variable. Although a strong personality is projected, Moon in Aries people go through plenty of ups and downs. Their moodiness is not like Cancer or Pisces moodiness--they don't withdraw into themselves or escape the world when they're down. Instead, they are temperamental. Some might say that people with Moon in Aries actually enjoy trouble and confrontations. Indeed, this position is easily bored with environments that are too peaceful. Their homes--especially their childhood homes--are often battlegrounds. They rule the roost, or at least want to, and are not the most peaceful of folk to live with!

Moon in Aries men and women are prone to have plenty of crushes and other short-lived yet intense desires. "Needs" and "wants" are indistinguishable to Lunar Ariens at any given time. In their minds, what they want is so powerful that it becomes an absolute need. In young adulthood, they can be dangerous with a credit card. Whoever offered the advice to freeze your credit card in a container of water, and then let the block of ice thaw before using the card, unwittingly had people with Moon in Aries in mind. The whole idea was to see if the shopping whim of the moment would pass by the time the card was ready to use. Still, with this scenario, I wouldn't be surprised to see Moon in Aries hacking away at the ice. That is, if Aries actually takes the advice in the first place!

Others will appreciate that people with Moon in Aries rarely sulk or play any drawn-out games of manipulation. You can pretty much know what they want at any given time. They are generally ruled by their own emotional needs, and they're not always as concerned about others' needs during these "emergencies". Somehow, they have people around them scrambling to help them solve their problems. There's an aura of childlike innocence around Lunar Ariens, even when they're getting their way again, that can be charming indeed!

Moon in VII

Marriage is very important for him, for better or for worse. Cannot stand being alone. Likes business relationships, especially partnerships.

You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to have a companion for emotional support. You are not a person who would happily take in a movie by yourself, or dine alone, for example. A partner awakens feelings in you that you may never know you had, and you seem to need a partner to learn about your own needs and feelings. Emotional fulfillment is sought through relationships, but you may have many relationships one after another, each time believing that this is "the one". Taking time between relationships is something that is hard for you to do, but quite necessary, as you tend to jump into relationships out of fear of being alone. You are very adaptable to others' needs, and usually quite likeable as a result. Be careful that you don't become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is going to treat you the same way as you do them.

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury in Aquarius

Not necessarily loud or flamboyant, but he often has a quiet way of stirring others up. Delights in exposing what he deems biases in others' way of thinking. Very quick to contradict others, and to offer a different perspective, he enjoys intellectual debates. Amazing powers of observation, and a quirky way of looking at the world. Humorous and interesting. Loves practical jokes and raising eyebrows.

Mercury in V

Taste for intellectual games, sports that require skill and finesse. He is very curious about everything, even in love. He likes children.

You tend to use your voice, whether written or spoken, as a means of creative self-expression. You can be witty and humorous, an engaging communicator, and a fun friend. You love playing games, especially ones that employ your intellect. You love tricks, jokes, plays on words, and mimicry. You might be skilled at impersonations. Some of you could be clever at lying. You might have a tendency to promise more than you can deliver, or overstate your case. In some way, you are very entertaining with the spoken and/or written word. Communication and intellectual rapport is most attractive to you when it comes to romance. In some cases, this can indicate more than one lover at once. Curiosity can be a strong motivator for making social and romantic contact. You might also take much pride in your children's intellectual abilities and talents. You would make a good teacher, as you are very curious about how people learn and can come up with many ideas that allow you to teach others creatively.

3 Trine Mercury - Midheaven

He likes to have his own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the problems it poses. He is an intellectual.

Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love.

Venus in Capricorn men and women project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be attractive, in a cool way. They don't go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don't express as much. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Others' image of their relationship matters to them. They are conservative and willing to commit. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-oriented lovers. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they don't want you to know it. If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, you'll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. These people plan ahead in love, and, unlike Venus in Pisces, they will let you know exactly where they (and the relationship) are headed. Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are practical and realistic. They want to impress you with the things they do. Appreciate their "saving for a rainy day" attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way.

Venus in IV

He is lucky enough to have many happy occasions all through life. Strong friendships which can affect the emotional life. He usually makes a good marriage. Happy family life. Good work situation.

You seek balance, beauty, harmony, and peace in your home and domestic life. You might be especially attracted to luxury or quality/comfort items in the home, and you likely have an eye for interior decorating. There is a loving, personal touch to the way you decorate your home. Your love is decidedly sentimental, and you show your affection through nurturing and displays of sympathy. You don't give your heart out easily, but when you do, you do it with great emotion. It's very easy for you to become attached to a partner, and possibly smothering or overly dependent if you are not careful. Your parents' marriage affects your own partnering skills and style more than most. A parent may be especially charming, beautiful, or otherwise Venusian. On the negative side, this parent may have been especially indulgent or overprotective with you.

-289 Opposition Venus - Jupiter

He is nonchalant, pretentious, full of self-importance. He likes what is beautiful and sometimes ostentatious, and spends lots of money for the sake of appearances. He likes to please and has numerous amorous adventures. He is unfaithful and undergoes tribulations in love.

219 Sextile Venus - Saturn

He has a good grasp of reality and of duty. He is thrifty, reserved and does not show off. He likes truth and justice. In love, his sentiments are sincere and deep, he never plays false. He is, of course, faithful in love and friendship. He can love a much older person and appreciates his intelligence and good sense.

-135 Opposition Venus - Uranus

He looks for new sensations in love and is often unsatisfied by affairs which quickly turn into purely conventional relationships. He likes novelty, adventure, the eccentric: he is frivolous, unstable, unfaithful. Marriage is not for him and, if he does throw himself into this adventure, it will end in divorce, written off as a youthful mistake. As a result of his numerous love affairs, he makes sure his line is continued.

55 Trine Venus - Ascendant

He likes everything beautiful, the Arts, balance and harmony. He is amiable and sociable. He likes entertainment and has a loving nature.

Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars in Aries

This is a very impulsive position of Mars. The first instinct for Mars in Aries people is to take action. Quick flare-ups characterize the Mars in Aries character, but their anger usually doesn't last for too long. In fact, these people generally don't live in the past, and are not given to holding grudges or feeling resentful. Generally, their temper comes quickly, and they deal with anger on issues right away--with this kind of character, there is little room for festering. When Mars in Aries people listen to their instincts, they generally get things done, and they make fast and (usually) decent decisions. They don't naturally stop to smell the roses--or consider others' point of view--when they are deliberating over what to do next. In fact, "deliberation" works at lightning speed for these natives, so they could hardly be called deliberate. Spontaneity is one of their assets; as are simplicity, purity of action, and innovation.

Mars in Aries natives are often a step ahead of the rest of us. A life that is too predictable makes them antsy. Mars in Aries people enjoy starting fresh--new ideas, pioneering action, and fresh projects make them happiest. They generally enjoy challenges. Relationships with these natives can be exciting, but keeping up with them can be difficult. They are given to impulsive action, and they are not known for sticking things through. Although their physical energy is great, they can lose their initial enthusiasm quickly. Mars in Aries natives are easily irritated by indirectness from others. They expect others to say things straight--no beating around the bush. They easily become impatient with convoluted plans, or with people they consider to be slow to action. Most people with this position of Mars have a childlike quality to them. Sometimes they're downright rude and impatient, but with Mars in Aries natives, you generally know what they're after. Unless Mars is afflicted in the chart, you can also pretty much trust that they don't have hidden agendas.

Mars in VIII

Sexually very powerful, he is also capable of tremendous focus and hard work. Sexually intense and deep. Is adept at professions requiring research, strategy, uncovering truths, and analysis. Arguments may occur over inheritance.

-23 Square Mars - Uranus

He is full of contradictions. He is original, tending to the eccentric, violent, headstrong, impatient and irascible. He fights to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.

-212 Opposition Mars - Neptune

This is a challenging position, as you have difficulty trusting in your ability to go after things that you want in a direct manner. It may also be that you have difficulty pinpointing what it is that you want, or that part of you doesn't feel you deserve it due to a basic lack of self-confidence. You fear rejection as well as criticism, and often use roundabout means to go after what you want.

Your imagination is so powerful that it can be hard to trust your instincts. You easily imagine things going wrong, just as you easily fantasize about good things! Your desire nature is strong yet also very suggestible. You're attracted to mysteries and intrigue. Sexual experimentation is likely, as you are forever addicted to sensuality and unusual or perhaps even what many would consider perverted sexual scenarios. However, your sensual appetite might be much like a bottomless pit, and you could find yourself forever in a state of wanting more, tiring of regular sexual scenarios quickly, and endlessly searching for the next sensation. If an addiction to fantasy is present, you can find yourself constantly chasing a new and more complicated fantasy. It is only when you get into touch with your heart and discover your true desires that you realize that sensations are merely sensations--not deeply satisfying or fulfilling. Fears of sexual inadequacy can be great with this position, and you may either deny yourself as a result, or overcompensate, seeking out experiences in which you are pretty much assured positive feedback. Some of you will experience both of these extremes in your lifetime.

Although you can be very creative at keeping your motives and personal agenda hidden--in fact, many of you seem on the surface of things to be quite gentle and yielding--you might eventually become resentful if you feel the need to resort to sneakiness in order to get what you want out of life. If you do feel resentment for giving up your power to someone else, learn to avoid giving it up unless you truly understand that you are doing it for yourself, and not for someone else. Resentments have a way of building and distorting themselves into ugly matter if you don't deal with them properly and directly. You are often passive-aggressive in your approach to others, and this can cause a lot of problems in your life. You are usually found chasing a dream... or a fantasy. The former is probably the better path. Adopting a more direct and assertive approach to life is something that you should be working towards. You will need to get over your feelings of guilt when you do adopt this approach. Learning to take responsibility for your actions, and to avoid blaming others for failures, is important. At your worst, you can be disorganized in your approach to life, easily procrastinating and lacking follow-through when you do begin a task. Some of the most important lessons you need to learn in life are self-control, self-assertion, and trust in yourself. At your best, you are a creative person with a powerful imagination and great stores of compassion.

55 Trine Mars - Pluto

He is ambitious, has a great capacity for work, has self-confidence and goes to the end of his plans.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter in Cancer

He attracts the most good fortune when he is sympathetic, charitable, uses his powers to save and accumulate, and comforts others. Real estate and the food industry can be prosperous avenues. Values tradition and works towards security. Relies most on gut instincts when it comes to pursuing goals and business success.

Jupiter in X

He cannot adapt to a humdrum or an uncertain life. He likes comfort. He can move towards a managerial position, of prestige. His success follows on from that of the parents or in his home town.

107 Trine Jupiter - Saturn

He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. His judgment is good and he thinks things over. He pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright and respects the law.

266 Conjunction Jupiter - Uranus

He knows what's going on at a glance. He thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. He is very independent, likes his freedom of action, is a non-conformist. He is very agreeable company and is always in demand.

52 Sextile Jupiter - Ascendant

He likes meeting friends, around a good meal and in a cordial atmosphere. He is pleasant, jovial and engaging.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn in Scorpio

Observant, self-controlled, unforgiving, tough, methodical, a researcher, an investigator. Lots of courage, self-assurance and can keep his cool.

Weaknesses: makes no concessions or compromises. He can become a fanatic of a creed, a party, work or a religion.

Saturn in III

His studies will be restricted. He is serious, discrete. He takes on mental tasks that require time and concentration. He travels little even though he likes it. He has few friends, who are, however, very close.

44 Trine Saturn - Uranus

He knows how to be on top of the situation. He perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. He is very practical. He proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve his objectives in the end.

-16 Square Saturn - Pluto

He is not open to others' ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. He is an egoist and has a narrow mind.

45 Sextile Saturn - Ascendant

He is serious, sober, thoughtful, pays attention to detail. He likes to be with older people.

Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Cancer

He is impressionable, ticklish and excitable.

Uranus in X

He must have an independent career, with no routine, which satisfies his need to move around, travel and which must in particular have an element of risk attached. He is eccentric.

-17 Square Uranus - Neptune

He lacks will-power and strength. Of a nervous disposition.

42 Sextile Uranus - Ascendant

He is always changing, is unstable. He is ready to innovate, to change everything. He is inventive.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune in Libra

Likes the Arts, music, beautiful voices, poetry. Emotional, with fine feelings.

Neptune in II

He may prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in life concerning money and ownership. He might make money through artistic pursuits, but must avoid the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don't have enough grounding in reality. Financial advice is important to obtain.

19 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

5 Trine Neptune - Midheaven

His plans lack realism and are therefore often unattainable.

Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.

Pluto in Leo

Strong need for self-expression.

4 Sextile Pluto - Midheaven

He uses all his energy to succeed professionally. He has a good sense of organization and authority.

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Pisces ascendant Virgo

Ascendant in Virgo

People with Virgo rising are often a little understated in their personal mannerisms and appearance, although a lot depends on the position of Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) in the chart. Generally, there is an intelligent and reserved aura about Virgo rising individuals that is unmistakable. These are actually somewhat shy people who need time to analyze things around them before they warm up to both situations and people. This quality can be received exactly as that, or it can be received as a rather stand-offish, cool, and even critical manner (depending on the audience). One of the biggest personality traits of this position is body-awareness. People with Virgo ascendants are sensitive to any discomfort or other signals their body gives them. Many are especially interested and concerned with physical health, and some are attracted to mind-body awareness exercises such as yoga. Virgo rising people are often rather particular about food. Although some have good appetites, there can be an unmistakable pickiness about what they put in and on their bodies. Virgo ascendant natives have a tendency to worry a lot, especially when confronted with new situations. They notice the tiniest details that others overlook.

Many people with this position have a tendency to attract (or be attracted to) people who need help. Their relationships may be confusing as a result. Despite the Virgo rising tendency to appear rather collected and professional, relationships can sometimes be messy simply because these natives don't always see their partners and partnerships clearly. There's a quiet charm to many Virgo rising people. Once they have the chance to warm up to new people and situations, you'll find they have a lot to offer. They'll help you out of a jam, go out on a limb for you, and surprise you with a natural modesty under a somewhat critical and standoffish manner.

House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

House II in Libra

Income may come either as a result of an advantageous marriage, through artistic expression, or by a very useful association.

House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.

House III in Scorpio

Makes a good investigator because he is very curious, likes researching and does this with a lot of patience, likes to solve mysteries. Knows how to take risks, while being aware of the dangers.

House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.

House IV in Sagittarius

He will certainly marry a foreigner, or go to live abroad permanently and set up home there.

House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.

House V in Capricorn

The absolute example of the "serious" type. Everything is calculated, the slightest risk analyzed, patience is one of his main qualities. Doesn't know anything about chance. One or two love affairs, marriage, a family, all unproblematic - done calmly with love and wisdom.

House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.

House VI in Aquarius

One of the professions or teaching. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.

House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

House VII in Pisces

Marriage with someone who will quickly disappoint. The spouse's lack of energy and vitality will annoy him, and this could lead to the break-up of the marriage. A second, happier one could happen.

House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

House VIII in Aries

The spouse will tend to spend more money than he earns. Be careful of any haste that could prove dangerous. Drives a car too fast.

House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

House IX in Taurus

Travels but little, no great attraction for abroad. Doesn't change principles, practically never changes mind.

House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older

House X in Gemini

Profession requiring lots of change and movement. If this isn't the case, then lots of job changes. Likes to move, travel, write.

House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

House XI in Cancer

Sincere and life-long friendships. The family comes first, however.

House XII is the area of education and of emotion.

House XII in Leo

A few problems with authority or someone in charge.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Tamil Model caught from pune hotel for prostitution

Isn't it sick or is it a lust for fast bucks ??Or she got infected by A RAJA.

A popular Tamil actress was arrested , for alleged involvement in a prostitution case from a five-star hotel in Viman Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra, last evening, said the police.

"We laid a trap and sent a decoy customer. Caroline is quite popular in Chennai. She has played heroine in movies- `Rain`, `Wadachalam` and others," said Bhanupratap Barge, Senior Inspector (Crime Branch).

According to Barge, the actress, Caroline Mariya Asan has done modelling assignments for textile and diamond companies in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

A case has been registered against the actress and film studio owner M Rajkumar (32) has been arrested.

To see more images of Caroline click

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Hilarious Horoscope 2012

इस साल आपका विवाह योग बन रहा है मगर ज़्यादा खुश होने की ज़रूरत नहीं है क्योंकि आप पहले से शादीशुदा हैं। गणेशा कहते हैं कि इस आफत के लिए आप खुद ज़िम्मेदार हैं। टाइमपास करने के चक्कर में ऑफिस में जिस लड़की से आपने फ्लर्ट करना शुरू किया था, उसे लेकर आप अब सीरियस होने लगे हैं। आपके प्यार में वो लड़की भी इतना आगे जा चुकी है कि आपका तलाक तक करवा सकती है वैसे भी वो घर उजाड़ने के मिशन पर निकली है।
जब-जब आप ऑफिस में होते हैं तो बीवी को धोखा देने के लिए मन में गिल्ट होता है मगर घर पहुंचते ही बीवी की कर्कश आवाज़ सुन, आप सोचते हैं कि ये यही डिज़र्व करती है।
बावजूद इसके गणेशा सलाह देंगे कि इन चक्करों में मत पड़िए। ये उम्र आपकी सैटिंग करने की नहीं, कन्यादान करने की है। ज़रा नज़र उठाकर देखिए, आपकी बेटी जवान हो गई है।
सलाह-पांच शनिवार छह कौओं को शहद चटाइए, इससे आपकी बीवी की कर्कशता चली जाएगी।
लाल रंग की गिलहरी को बूंदी का रायता खिलाएं
31 दिसम्बर की शाम पतले होने का जो resolution आपने लिया था, वो दो जनवरी की सुबह आलू के परांठे खाने के साथ टूट जाएगा। तीन जनवरी की शाम दोस्त के साथ टहलते हुए आप उसके कहने पर मोमो खा लेंगे। पहला मोमो मुंह मे लेते ही पतले होने का आपका resolution आपको धिक्कारेगा मगर उसे इग्नोर कर आप एक और प्लेट का ऑर्डर देंगे। दस जनवरी की शाम बीवी आपको बताएगी कि रनिंग के लिए आपने जो नया ट्रैक सूट खरीदा था, बिना एक बार भी पहने उसे चूहा काट गया है।
बीवी पर लापरवाही का इल्ज़ाम लगाते हुए आप उससे झगड़ा करेंगे, जिस पर बीवी के हाथों आपकी उन स्पोर्ट्स शूज़ से पिटाई हो जाएगी जिन्हें आपने ट्रेक सूट के साथ खरीदा था।
सलाह-किसी गरीब आदमी को रा वन और रामगोपाल वर्मा की आग की डीवीडी भेंट करें, उसे देखने के बाद वो आपको इतनी बद्दुआएँ देगा कि आप खुद-ब-खुद पतले हो जाएँगे।
बाकी सालों की तरह इस साल भी आप कुछ ख़ास नहीं उखाड़ पाएंगे। ऑफिस में आपको बॉस से डांट खानी पड़ेगी और घर पर बीवी से। न तो रिश्तेदार आपको भाव देंगे और न ही मांगने पर बच्चे पानी का गिलास। जून आते-आते आपका पालतू कुत्ता भी आपको देखकर पूंछ हिलाना बंद कर देगा। इस सबसे तंग आकर आप आत्महत्या करना चाहेंगे और जान देने के लिए एक दिन टीवी पर मौसमकी डीवीडी लगाएंगे। मगर प्रिंट ख़राब होने के कारण वो चल नहीं पाएगी। गुस्से में आप अपने हाथ की बनी चाय पिएंगे मगर उससे भी आप मरेंगे नहीं बस मुंह से झाग निकलने के बाद बेहोश होंगे।
सलाह-सात मंगलवार किसी लाल गिलहरी को बूंदी वाला रायता खिलाएं, लाभ मिलेगा।
पिछले साल की तरह ये साल भी आप फेसबुक पर बैठ कर बर्बाद कर देंगे। दूसरों की वॉल से अच्छे-अच्छे स्टेटस चोरी करने, उन स्टेटस पर आने वाले लाइक का घंटों इंतज़ार करने, हर फोटो में दोस्तों को टैग करने, स्कूल में साथ पढ़ी लड़कियों के प्रोफाइल ढूंढने और एक्सेप्ट न किए जाने की उम्मीद के बावजूद उन्हें फ्रेंड रिक्वेस्ट भेजने में आप अपनी ज़िंदगी का एक और साल तबाह कर देंगे।
फेसबुक पर बैठे रहने के चक्कर में आप पूरी सर्दी बिना नहाए गुज़ार देंगे। इसी चक्कर में मां-बाप से गालियां खाएंगे मगर आप इतने ढीठ हो चुके हैं कि इन गालियों का आप पर कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा। सारी गालियां एक कान से होते हुए बिना दिमाग में घुसे दूसरे कान से चुपचाप निकल जाएंगी।
सलाह-आप जैसे ढीठ आदमी को सलाह देने का कोई फायदा नहीं है।
नौकरीपेशा लोगों के लिए ये साल काफी फलदायक रहेगा। सरकारी नौकरी में हैं तो दो नम्बर का पैसा बनाने का अच्छा मौका मिलेगा। प्राइवेट में हैं तो बॉस की लगातार चमचागिरी करने के चलते आपकी भारी तरक्की होगी। आपकी सैलरी बाकी लोगों से ज़्यादा बढ़ाई जाएगी। आपको ऐसे काम में लगाया जाएगा जिसके लिए न्यूनतम बुद्धि की आवश्यकता होगी। आपका काम बाकी लोगों की बॉस से चुगली करना है और वो आप पूरी ईमानदारी से करते रहें।
गणेशा सलाह देते हैं कि जून के बाद आप थोड़ा सतर्क हो जाएं क्योंकि इस दौरान बॉस का एक और सिफारिशी टट्टू ऑफिस में ज्वॉइन करेगा। तब आपको नए सिरे से खुद को प्रूव करना होगा। मगर घबराएं नहीं, खुद पर विश्वास रखें। हर आदमी के पास गिफ्टिड टेलेंट होता है। बॉस के सामने दूसरों की चुगली करने के लिए नए आदमी को एफर्ट करना होगा जबकि ऐसा करने का आपमें पैदाइशी गुण है।
सलाह- ‘लगाई-बुझाईकी अपनी प्रतिभा को निखारने के लिए रोज़ाना तीन हिंदी सीरियल देखें।
आपकी राशि भले ही कन्या हो मगर आपकी ज़िंदगी में कोई कन्या आती दिखाई नहीं दे रही। मगर इसमें किसी का कोई कसूर नहीं है, सिवाए आपके। करियर सेट करने की उम्र में आप लड़कियां सेट करते रहे और जब बारी लड़की सेट करने की आई तो आप करियर सेट करने में लगे हैं। आपकी अरेंज मैरिज हो सके ऐसी आपकी इमेज नहीं है और आप लव मैरिज कर सकें, ऐसी आपकी शक्ल नहीं। गणेशा कहते हैं कि ये स्थिति अभी कुछ और वक्त तक बनी रहेगी और 2017 के बाद जाकर आपका विवाह होगा मगर तब भी कन्या मनुष्य जाति से होगी या नहीं, इसकी गारंटी गणेशा नहीं लेते।
सलाह-इक्कीस सोमवार सुबह-शाम खुद को दस-दस थप्पड़ लगाएं, इससे उन लड़कियों के मन को शांति मिलेगी जो कभी आपको पीटना चाहती थीं।
वक्त आ गया है कि तुला राशि वाले अपनेआप को लेकर ग़लतफहमी पालना बंद कर दें और थोड़ा व्यावहारिक हो जाएं। सिर्फ आपके ये मानने से कि मैं बहुत होशियार हूं और ज़िंदगी में बहुत अच्छा डिज़र्व करता हूं, दुनिया को घंटा फर्क नहीं पड़ता। टीवी डिस्कशन्स में आने वाले गेस्ट को मूर्ख मानने से आप खुद होशियार नहीं हो जाते। दसवीं पास दोस्तों को अपने अल्पज्ञान से आतंकित करने से कुछ पल्ले नहीं पड़ने वाला। अब भी वक्त है, संभल जाइए। आपके दोस्तों के दो-दो बच्चे हो गए और आपकी अभी शादी तक नहीं हुई, ये बात अलग है कि बच्चे आपके भी दो हो चुके हैं जिनमें से एक की तो खुद आपको भी जानकारी नहीं है।
सलाह- खुद के कमाए पैसों से एक अंडरवियर खरीदने बाज़ार जाएं, अपनेआप अक्ल ठिकाने आ जाएगी।
दही में तीन चम्मच चाय पत्ती मिलाकर पंडित जी को पिलाएँ
वृश्चिक राशि वालों का इस साल भाग्य खूब साथ देगा। खरीदारी करने बाज़ार जाएंगे तो सेल में कुछ सस्ते स्वेटर मिल जाएंगे, बुक करवाने के दो दिन बाद सिलेंडर की डिलिवरी हो जाएगी, फुटपाथ से खरीदी पाइरेटिड सीडी का प्रिंट अच्छा निकलेगा, आटे की थैली में साबुनदानी का मुफ्त स्टैंड निकलेगा, जिस गाड़ी में सफर करेंगे उसमें सुंदर लड़कियां दिखेंगी, पड़ौसी के दसवीं में अच्छे नम्बर आएंगे, उसकी बुआ की लड़की अपने मायके से आपके लिए नया पजामा लाएगी और और तो और आपकी भैंस माया भी इस साल बाकी सालों के मुकाबले ज़्यादा दूध देगी।
सलाह-अपनी गली के आठ आवारा कुत्तों की नसबंदी करवाएं, इससे आपका भाग्य और चमकेगा।
धनु राशि वालों की किस्मत इस साल बिलुकल साथ नहीं देगी। ऑफिस जाने की जल्दी होगी तो रास्ते में स्कूटर पंचर हो जाएगा, मेहमान आए होंगे तो सिलेंडर ख़त्म हो जाएगा, ज़रूरत पड़ेगी तो नेट काम नहीं करेगा, बीवी बीमार होगी तो कामवाली छुट्टी ले लेगी, सहवाग की बैटिंग के वक्त लाइट चली जाएगी, लाइट आने पर मिमोह चक्रवर्ती की फिल्म चल रही होगी और तो और जब-जब चाय में डुबोकर खाने के लिए ग्लूकोज़ का बिस्किट उसके अंदर डालेंगे, वो उसी में डूब जाएगा!
सलाह- बिस्किट चाय में न डूबे इसके लिए ज़रूरी है कि उसे लाइफ जैकेट पहनाएं।
टीवी देखने के लिहाज़ से ये साल महिलाओं के लिए काफी अच्छा है। मार्च के आसपास आप सोनी टीवी पर दो नए सीरियल देखने शुरू करेंगी और अपनी दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति के दम पर बिना नागा उसे पूरा साल देखेंगी। इस दौरान रिमोट के लिए कई दफा आपका अपने पति से झगड़ा होगा मगर सीरियल्स की साजिश रचने वाली बहुओं की तरह आप भी हार नहीं मानेंगी।
वहीं दूसरी ओर रिएलिटी शोज़ के हिसाब से ये साल आपके लिए उतना अच्छा नहीं है। आप जिस-जिस कंटेस्टेंट को सपोर्ट करेंगी वो फाइनल तक तो पहुंचेगा मगर जीत नहीं पाएगा जिसे लेकर आपको भारी दुख होगा। रात-रात भर कमरा बंद कर फूल की कढ़ाई वाला तकिया मुंह में ले रोएंगी और हो सकता है इस बीच डिप्रेशन की शिकार भी हो जाएं।
सलाह- पति के सोते ही उसके मोबाइल से अपने चहेते प्रतिभागी को ढेरों वोट करें। इससे पति भले ही डेंजर ज़ोन में चला जाए, मगर आपका पसंदीदा गवैया बच जाएगा।
कुंभ राशि वाले अपना ये साल पंडितों के चक्कर में बर्बाद कर देंगे। आपके लिए ये समझना बहुत ज़रूरी है कि अगर आपकी ज़िंदगी में कुछ नया नहीं हो रहा तो उसकी वजह आपकी ख़राब किस्मत नहीं, आपका आलस हैं। ऑफिस से घर आने के बाद आपका सारा दिन पड़े रहने में बीतता है और यही वजह है कि आप दस साल से एक ही ऑफिस में पड़े हुए हैं। आपके पड़े-पड़े आपके बच्चे बड़े हो गए मगर आप अपने करियर में कहीं नहीं बढ़े। गणेशा सलाह देते हैं कि यूं दिनभर भेजे के कुकर में ख्याली पुलाव पकाते रहने और बॉस के घर की महिला सदस्यों को याद कर उसे गाली देने का कोई फायदा नहीं है।
लिहाज़ा बिना कुछ किए हालात सुधरने की उम्मीद में चार अख़बारों में राशियां पढ़ने और हाथ की अंगुलियों से लेकर पैर के अंगूठे तक में अंगूठियां पहनने के बजाए रजाई से निकलिएगैस पर पानी गर्म कर नहाइए, नहीं नहाना तो मुंह-हाथ ही धोइए और स्कूटर स्टार्ट कर कहीं बाहर जाइए।
सलाह- एक पाव दही में तीन चम्मच चाय पत्ती डालने के साथ उसमें रात की बची एक कटोरी दाल डालिए और इसमें आधा गिलास फिनाइल मिक्स कर, उस पंडित को पिलाइए जो खुद आपको अब तक ऐसे उल्टे-सीधे उपाय बताता आ रहा था।
जहां तक बारगेनिंग या मोलभाव का सवाल है, मीन राशि की महिलाओं के लिए ये साल काफी शुभ हैं। दुकान से सूट का कपड़ा खरीदने से लेकर गली में सब्ज़ी वाले से लड़-झगड़कर पैसे कम करवाने में आपको व्यापक सफलता मिलेगी। आपकी ख्याति मौहल्ले में ही नहीं, देशभर में फैलेगी। और तो और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर हथियार खरीदते समय भारत सरकार दूसरे देशों से मोलभाव के लिए आपको बुलावा भेजेगी। फ्रांस जैसे देशों से मिसाइल खरीद के समय आप ये कहते हुए रेट कम करवाएंगीजाओ भइया जाओपचास में पीछे जापान वाले दे ही रहे थे या फिर हम तो हमेशा आप ही के यहां से खरीदते हैं’, कहकर उन्हें इमोशनली ब्लैकमेल करेंगी।
सलाह- कॉलेज में आप भाव खाती रही हैं और अब मोलभाव कर रही हैं। हमारी गुज़ारिश है कि यही हाव-भाव बनाए रखें।