Friday, 11 April 2014 biggest online fraud of Indian history

 Pay 399 rupees and get Samsung Galaxy Tab.. this is the punch line.
Then they ask you to pay 8999 Rupees for some crap tablet and cash back
Cash back comes in way of points which you can access or do anything.
they will give you 8999 credit point but for a purchase you can use only 200-300 points.
it is not like that you can buy a phone or something with 8999 points you get. makes cool 5000 rupees on each transaction.
I am sure that promoter will run within few months.

Best part of story is that I have dropped a mail to Cyber crime branch of Delhi , Bangalore and Mumbai ..
No body has responded yet on mail or took action.
Even I have dropped mails to AAJ TAK , NDTV , India News and many other leading channels and print media. No covering of story .
Help To share the news so that we can help together protect online buyers. 

REAL Estate Authority of India :: Modi ji ko hum laane waale hai